Finance help

Knowledge Bank
Finance advice and troubleshooting is in the Finance Knowledge Bank

Expenses limits
Find out what you are allowed to claim for on your expenses

Find out at what point you need to tender for purchases

Get an invoice paid

Faculty finance team

  • provides the Faculty with effective financial management and reporting for all financial matters of the Faculty
  • supports the Faculty's Departments in the management and control of their financial resources, including acting as a point of advice and consultation
  • manages the strategic financial planning and budgeting process for the Faculty
  • provides advice and appropriate financial information to the College’s Director of Financial Management on issues relating to the Faculty
  • contributes to the development of Faculty strategy and policy

Please note: queries relating to central College finance functions such as payroll, purchase ordering and invoicing (except those relating to central Faculty accounts) should be directed to the relevant departmental finance contact (see below). However, anyone in the Finance team can advise on who this contact would be.

Faculty finance team

  • Richard Viner (FCA)

    Richard Viner

    Personal details

    Richard Viner (FCA) Faculty Finance Officer

    +44 (0)20 7594 9825


    Faculty of Medicine Centre
    2nd floor
    Faculty Building
    South Kensington Campus

    For enquiries regarding

    • Dean's Group new and replacement post approvals
  • Palvi Varsani

    Palvi Varsani

    Personal details

    Palvi Varsani Finance Assistant

    +44 (0)20 7594 5641


    Faculty of Medicine Centre
    2nd floor
    Faculty Building
    South Kensington Campus

    For enquiries regarding

    • NHS recharges and reporting
    • Analysis of default accounts
    • Financial approval of new contracts and contract changes
  • Simon Passey

    This folder is for 300x400 only

    Personal details

    Simon Passey Management Accountant

    020 7594 1187


    Faculty of Medicine Centre
    2nd floor
    Faculty Building
    South Kensington Campus

    For enquiries regarding

    • Management accounting