With our Future Teaching Leaders Programme, GTAs learn and earn from their work activities. Our FTLP equips and train GTAs with the teaching skills and reflective practice to become a proficient educator as recognised by the Advance HE, Professional Standards Framework.

The Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy

Getting started

GTAs with some teaching experience can get support for an application for The Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA). Application for the AFHEA is free as Imperial College student and staff. It is not compulsory but is a formal recognition of teaching activities which you have undertaken.

Find more information about the Advance HE and AFHEA on the official STAR framework webpage.

The Graduate School runs workshops for PhD students who intend to apply for the AFHEA, find more details on the Graduate School website.

If you are a Faculty of Medicine GTA and want to apply for the AFHEA then let your GTA co-ordinators know so they can support your application and inform you of AFHEA application masterclasses. 


Contact Faculty of Medicine GTA enquiries

For any enquiries please email: gta.fom@imperial.ac.uk.