Dr Robert Boyle

Robert BoyleDr Robert Boyle is course Co-Director for 'Follow My Footsteps'. Dr Robert Boyle is a Consultant Paediatrician at St. Mary's Hospital, with a research interest in early life dietary interventions for preventing allergic disease. He is interested in the long-term effects of early life exposures, on child health and development. Dr Boyle co-founded Follow my Footsteps, together with Professor Mitch Blair.

Professor Mitch Blair

Mitch BlairProfessor Mitch Blair is Professor of Paediatrics and Child Public Health and former Undergraduate Course lead for Paediatrics and Child Health in the Division of Paediatrics from 2005-2018. Professor Blair is a consultant paediatrician and specialist in child public health working from Northwick Park Hospital in Harrow. He has a background in medical education, epidemiology and health services research. His primary research interests are in preventive child health programmes, child health indicators and international child health services research. He was Principal Investigator of a €7 million EU Horizon 2020 project, MOCHA, which explored models of primary care that provide the best health outcomes for Europe's children. He also co-leads the child population health theme of the Northwest London NIHR ARC together with Professor Sonia Saxena.

Dr Gareth Tudor-Williams

Dr Gareth Tudor-WilliamsDr Gareth Tudor-Williams is a Reader/hon. Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases. His clinical research interests have been focussed on HIV, HBV and HCV infections in children, and the prevention of perinatal transmission of these blood borne viruses. He is passionate about teaching and is particularly interested in fostering longitudinal learning, such as the FMF course and the Integrated Clinical Apprenticeship in the 5th Year.

Anna Bosanquet

Mrs Anna BosanquetMrs Anna Bosanquet is a qualified midwife and experienced lecturer and researcher. She was previously head of midwifery and Kingston University, and currently works as a research midwife at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. Anna is a committed teacher with an interest in the long-term effects of prenatal and perinatal events on child health and development.

Dr Mike Coren

Dr Mike CorenDr Mike Coren trained in Northwick Park and St Marys. He is a Consultant in General Paediatrics at St Marys (now Imperial) since 2001. He is the named doctor for child safeguarding at St Mary's and has special interests in Respiratory and Endocrine Paediatrics.

Dr Stephen Goldring

Dr Stephen GoldringDr Stephen Goldring is a General Paediatrician at Hillingdon Hospital with an interest in Respiratory Paediatrics and Allergy. 'I enjoy teaching - it's very rewarding and hopefully an opportunity to inspire the next generation of paediatricians'.

Dr Maddalena Miele

Dr Maddalena MieleDr Maddalena Miele established the Perinatal Mental Health service at St Mary’s Hospital in 2009 in partnership with the St Mary’s maternity unit. She has a clinical background in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and completed a PhD in neuroscience at the Department of Physiology at Oxford University. She trained in General Adult Psychiatry at the Maudsley, Bethlem and St Mary’s Hospitals; she has an endorsement in Liaison Psychiatry and formal training in infant mental health (Care Index and Parent-Infant Interaction Observation Scale).


For full details and any questions please contact:

Jennifer Haley
Programme Administrator

+44 (0)20 7594 3985